
Generative AI Platform for Hedge Funds & Public Markets

BlueFlame AI provides a natural language interface to the data and systems relevant to your fund, whether cloud-based or local shared-drives. BlueFlame is natively integrated into Teams and Slack and offers a web application for interfacing with the BlueFlame AI agent or LLM of your choice.

Investment research & trading

Search across PDFs & unstructured content

Speed up the review of PDFs and unstructured content, including:

  • Earnings transcripts
  • Sell-side research
  • Expert network calls
  • News & 10-Ks / 10-Qs
  • Web scraping for industry / company information

Aggregate document reviews

Aggregate views across dozens of documents to:

  • Extract & aggregate key data points into tables
  • Create a time-series of views
  • And more

RMS interacton

Read/write to your RMS to:

  • Review historical notes
  • Summarize notes
  • Post notes and commentary
  • And more

Customized email aggregation

Aggregate 300+ emails to de-duplicate content and work through information overload.

  • Broker research notes
  • Daily news emails
  • Compliance emails

Investor relations

DDQ & RFP support

Quickly draft initial answers to incremental RFP and DDQ requests using:

  • Previous DDQ and RFP responses
  • Fund and regulatory documents
  • Microsoft Excel plugin for pulling and analyzing data

LP / prospect meeting preparation

Prepare for LP meetings by looking up biographical information and prior interactions via:

  • Select market data sources
  • Internal emails, calendar invites, files, and CRM activities

CRM interaction

Read/write to your CRM to:

  • Pull select data
  • Email prospects
  • Add notes and interaction details
  • Update statuses


Operations support

GenAI support for your operations function, icluding:

  • Email generation
  • Letter and content generation
  • Meeting preparation
  • News digests
  • Resume reviews
  • Vendor contract reviews

See how BlueFlame can work for your entire firm

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